These people guide the team through the complex processes involved with building a functioning robot and running a nonprofit organization. They are vital to Mandeville Robotics and we can’t thank them enough! It takes a big Impact to make a big Impact!
- Ms. Casey, School Sponsor
- Mr. Mike, Lead Mentor
- Mr. Michael Adams, CAD Mentor
- Ryan Harvey, Code Mentor
- Corey Boise, Build Mentor
- Mr. Louis Gruntz, Build & Scout Mentor
- Mr. Chris Colins, Scout Mentor
- Harry Rich, Build Mentor
- Mr. Daniel Dixon, Shop/build Mentor
- Mr. Keith Robinson, CNC Mentor
- Mr. Lary Flad, CNC Mentor
- Mr. Lonnie Orth, DOD Mentor
- Connie Ogle, Media Mentor
- Ms. Dinna Cottrell, NASA Mentor
- Mrs. Julie Dixon, Business and Fundraising Mentor
- Mrs. Sandra Flad, Outreach Mentor
- Katie Harvey, Grand Writing Mentor
Even with all of these amazing people, we still could use more mentors. If you would like to help Mandeville Robotics, please contact the team with the information on the contact us page. We are looking for people to help us in: engineering, programming, business, writing, and web development