Overview of the 2017-18 school year

Mandeville High School Robotics team 2992


Robotics team is a year round commitment and part of our commitment is to FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), under  whom we are organized, through working with our community and spreading STEM throughout the whole year. Below are some of the highlights of our 2017-2018 season, which was stellar, going farther than any Louisiana team ever has at the World Competition. We could not have accomplished this without the support of Mandeville High School, our mentors, our generous sponsors (it costs a lot to build robots) and especially for the City of Mandeville for supporting us by giving us a great home to build our robots at the Public Works building! The use of this space allows us to remain competitive with teams whose annual budgets are double and triple ours!


Below are some highlights of our activities throughout the past year:



PES Earth and science day- now PES is starting 12 FLL jr. teams

Madisonville Library Maker Faire

Presentation to City Council

Demo at Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum Aquatics Robotics Summer Camp

Demo at PTA district workshop

CORE element STEM Fest at Saints Practice Facility

Demo at Slidell STEM day

Keep Mandeville Beautiful citywide cleanup

Feeding the Needy Basket pack